Nancy's pink world is stuck in slow motion. The Chicago-based producer plans to bring back cloud rap, this time pitching it as NASA, and has been achieving that sound properly. With a run of loose singles (both instrumental and with rapper Vela Seff), he has finally released his first proper EP. XO is a four song project with opening and closing instrumentals, and two songs with Vela Seff sandwiched in between. It's a cosmic experience, one that feels like applying super glue on Saturn. Check out a quick Q+A with the producer below and be sure to visit Nancy's pinked out Twitter page for more.

How would you describe your EP to a stranger on the street?

I would say it's a euphoria you don't wanna wake up from, supposed to sound like what butterflies in your stomach feel like with 808s.

How long have you been working on this project?

A couple months, not too long but I just feel like I finally know what I'm doing and need to shake hands with everybody all at once.

You have a great deal of loose singles on your SoundCloud. Is this your first proper solo project?

This is. I've done a lot of things with friends for fun but I really wanna hone in on a motif, art for a lesson in a way.

What can we expect from you for the rest of the year?

Art from me and friends. I wanna do a lot more visuals - reiteration of the motif.

Outside of your own music, what else have you been listening to?

New Arca record, lots of Bjork, Yung Bans, Nosaj Thing's Home record never leaves rotation.

You obviously watch a great deal of anime/cartoons. Do you have any particular favorites?

Ping Pong the AnimationSpace DandyParanoia Agent.

What are some studio essentials? (DAWs, instruments, caffeine, etc.)

Weed + dim lighting.

Do you have any advice for artists working on their craft?

Trust yourself because otherwise it's a waste of time.

Any final words of wisdom / closing thoughts?

Pink is a tranquilizer.

- Nancy Amore XOXO