I don't think
I've ever shared
a music video
with as many people
as I have
with Tierra Whack's
newest short film.
If you haven't
checked it out yet
(what are you doing?)
it's fifteen songs
in fifteen minutes
with fifteen music videos.
It's a whirlwind
of a technicolor experience
featuring dollhouses,
funhouse mirrors, nail
salons, coffins,
and plenty more.
It's imaginative, it's inventive,
it's surreal, it's hypnotizing,
and it's catchy as hell.
It's a fast-paced peek
inside Tierra Whack's world
where she shits on mainstream
pop and states,
“That? I can do that
and then some.”
While this video
(handled by visionaries
and Mathieu Léger)
was my first time
checking our Tierra Whack,
I was pleased to find
her past single
and video
for “Mumbo Jumbo”
which is just as well done
and just as repeat-worthy.
You might not enjoy it
if you have a fear
of dentists.
As it stands,
"Whack World"
is the hottest
15 minutes of music
in 2018. Do not @ me.

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