I've been steadily
listening to Yellow Days
all year long.
He released the EP
Harmless Melodies
at the end of last year,
but it wasn't until
of this year
that I really digested it.

Spinning it back constantly
through the spring and summer
(as well as the Colors video),
it was with great joy
to see Yellow Days' full-length
release at the end of October.
Is Everything Okay in Your World?
is a cohesive follow-up
to Harmless Melodies,
complete with a similar cover.
At thirteen songs,
it's one of the contenders
for most enjoyable albums
of the year.
"Weight of the World"
might bring you to tears.
Equal parts bedroom rock,
lullaby pop,
and R&B/blues, it's an album
that demands more
than five listens.
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