Frequent collaborators
Daniel Son (MC)
and Futurewave (producer)
linked up yet again
at the top of 2022
with the full-length
Son Tzu & the Wav.God.
The LP is full of
smooth loops
and dense bars.
These two
are on a hot streak,
following their
2020 collaboration
Bite the Bullet
(with Asun Eastwood),
their 2019 album
Moonshine Mix 2,
their 2019 album
their 2018 album
Physics of Filth,
their 2018 album
Pressure Cooker.
The list goes on.
They’ve been
for a minute
and just
growing stronger.
Also, something
worth noting:
if you drop
a piece of art
on January 1,
if that’s how
you’re starting
the year
it better be heat,
and this album
is exactly that.
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