Chicagoan Raych Jackson is not only a full-time third grade CPS teacher, but is also a well-versed poet and playwright. On her Twitter, where she refers to herself as the 'awkward connoisseur," she describes her style as equal parts "lesson plans, poems, essays, and plays." After impressing me through her multiple Sofar Sounds performances (which you can stream above), I sent her an email to see if she would be the next addition to the 'List of Five' column. As expected, her selections did not disappoint. Enjoy Raych's five choices down below and visit her social media pages for more.
One TV Show: Bob's Burgers
"Bob's Burgers is what I binge watch when I can barely leave my bed. It's funny, energetic and honestly stifles my depression for its 21 minutes. I love how the character I identify with always changes. They are written so honest and fluid. I even have a Louise hat."
[Honorable Mention -- The Office]
One Color: Tealquiose
"The range from turquoise to teal has been my favorite color for as long as I can remember. I obsess over the color against my skin. I have "metacognition" tattooed in the color on my arm. I'm always usually wearing a range of the colors subtly."
One Animal: Stegosaurus
"I absolutely adore the stegosaurus. Such a chill chill creature that defended the fuck out of itself when need be. I have a stegosaurus cut into geometric shapes (that was the teacher in me) on my arm."
One Dance Song: Chicago Juke Slide
"I could never dance however I love songs that give instructions. I use to practice these moves as a preteen to ensure I had them down at the next basement party that I had to lie to my parents about. I'm in my mid-twenties still able to say the song word-for-word."
One Album: Kaytranada's 99.9%
"When it first came out I was really low. On Saturdays I would play this album and walk to the Mexican Art Museum. This album encourage me to actually go outside and take myself on dates. It's needed."