Photo cred: Alex Firtl
One of my oldest friends,
Alex Firtl,
sent me a picture
the other day
of three surveillance cameras
pointing in opposite directions
He said to me,
"I took this a while ago,
and while it doesn't perfectly
reflect what's going on right now,
I think it's great."
Rightfully so, Mr. Firtl.
2017 is in political turmoil
and I have no idea
Are puppet masters
at play?
Are surveillance vans
on every corner?
Have I placed duct tape
over the camera
on my laptop?
Have I watched Mr. Robot
over and over?
Have I noticed a spike
in 1984 book sales
as well as more public
discussions of how
we are living
in a simulation?
Yet still I march onward,
confused, a bit paranoid,
tweeting away
my minuscule life,
waiting to see
what this series finale
holds for America.
If you'll excuse me,
I need to get back
to my think piece
on how The Truman Show
was far ahead of its time.