Musical trio Morning Maps lend their sounds for the sixteenth segment in the ongoing 10:00 series over at [neonpajamas] Records. With this series, artists are given a ten minute platform of open space to showcase their music however they prefer. With Morning Maps, the trio give us a taste of their upcoming EP with a ten minute rundown of things to come. Electrified, ambient, and cat-friendly, this is something to hold you over until their project drops on March 12. Enjoy more insight and info in the interview below.
What was the collaborative process like for this debut project?
The workflow is basically..
Beau - Keys
Eli - Guitar
Adam - Beats
It takes all three of us to write a bass line.
Had you three created much music prior to what we hear on the EP?
Eli and I started making ambient music together after we met playing in church. Adam and I went to high school together and played in separate bands. I always thought the three of us had similar taste but each different enough to make something interesting. I ran into Adam for the first time in years in a Books-a-Million and asked him if he wanted to work with us. We had our first session two weeks later.
Outside of your own work, what movies/albums/nature shows inspired this project?
No movies or shows. I think it came out of growing up in the north Georgia suburbs, which created a combination of indie-rock, Americana, and jamtronica. But most of our inspiration came from late night runs to Del Taco.
What's the story behind the cat?
I’m in a touring southern rock band called The Vegabonds. We were on tour staying at someone’s house and this cat liked to have his picture taken. He got in the sink and started drinking from it. I just felt like I had to get a picture and he happened to stare right at the camera. It’s like he was trained for it. I’m happy the cat’s getting cred.
What's the rest of the year looking like for the three of you?
We all have main gigs we spend doing throughout year. I tour with The Vegabonds. Adam’s main project is Feverkin. Eli works on solo music and plays around Athens, GA where he’s a full-time student at UGA. We find a way to meet two weeks out of the year and make music.
Any final thoughts / words of wisdom?
No final thoughts, but we’ll probably think of some the second you post this interview.
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