“Chances With Wolves is not a Radio Show. It’s a state of mind.”
Back when I was visiting
and working out of
the MishkaNYC offices,
one of the designers
was playing something
smooth streaming
from his computer.
He told me it was
Chances with Wolves,
a weekly station
that unleashes two hours
mixes with some of the finest,
most obscure and rare
elements of jazz, funk,
soul, R&B, psychedelia,
and everything in between.
He also said,
and I'm not sure
if this is true,
but Chances with Wolves
has been known
to never play
the same song twice.
Most recently, they paid
tribute to Nina Simone
with two hours of her tunes.
As they slowly and steadily
approach episode 400,
be sure to press play
and continue listening
to some of that smooth
goodness. You'll be
more productive
than ever.
Chances With Wolves:
where every day is Sunday morning.